All About Diabetes Primetime

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Diabetes Primetime is a program for people with diabetes, showcasing interviews with diabetes experts on a range of topics: preventing complications, eating a healthy diet, staying on track, coping with diabetes distress and more.

To watch all of our previous episodes of Diabetes Primetime, click here.

Popular Episodes:

Conquering Habit Hunger

Many of us eat more calories than we realize from mindless eating or what psychologist Dr. Paul Davidson calls “habit hunger.” He’s sharing his suggestions for how to cut down on this kind of snacking and some great ideas of easy healthy substitutes for common trigger foods on this episode!

Tips for Sustainable Weight Loss

Many people with #diabetes are told that losing weight will make them be healthier, but the question is how? (Especially when many of us have tried so many things and nothing has worked!) Sustainable weight loss (losing weight AND keeping it off) is what we’re talking about on the upcoming episode of Diabetes Primetime. 

The Ups and Downs of Diabetes

What’s frustrating about having #diabetes? We’re talking with diabetes psychologist Dr. Susan Guzman about how to manage the things about diabetes that drive us crazy on this FABULOUS episode of Facebook Live April 13th at 8:30 pm!!

Enjoying Our Favorite Foods with Diabetes

We all know how important it is to eat healthy with diabetes, but the truth is that a healthy diet can encompass a broad variety of favorite foods and cuisines. Learn how anyone can personalize a diabetes diet to fit their background, preferences and culture on this fabulous episode of Diabetes Primetime!

Living A Vibrant Life With Diabetes

Just in time for the holidays! Hear why exercise can make such a big difference with blood sugar, why we can’t “outrun a poor diet” and get fantastic ideas for thriving with diabetes! A wonderful interview with Christel Oerum, founder of Diabetes Strong!


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We interview diabetes experts and answer your questions.